The first records of the kind of activity we know today as banking can be traced back to around 2000 BC in Assyria and Babylonia, where merchants made loans to farmers and traders who transported goods between cities. Deposits initially consisted of grain and later other goods including livestock, farming tools and then precious metals such as gold. Temples and palaces were thought to be the safest places to store gold as they were constantly guarded and well built. As temples were considered to be sacred places, they presented an extra deterrent to possible thieves. In the ancient Greek and Roman Empires, lenders based in temples made loans but also began to accept deposits and change money. Around this time, there is also evidence of the development of money-lending in China and India. The development of banking in the modern sense of the word can be traced back to medieval Italy and later spread through Europe. During the last century, the rapid development in telecommunication and computing systems resulted in major changes in the way banks operated and allowed them to greatly increase in size and geographic spread. In recent years, there has been a significant number of bank failures, including some of the world's largest banks, and much debate about bank regulation.

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1969, Development bank 2v+tabs

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SKU Parent: sru0335 Pais: Ruanda Año: 1969 Nr. Fsc: 26904 Nr. Yvert: 309/10 Nr. Michel: 335/36
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SKU Parent: sru0335b Pais: Ruanda Año: 1969 Nr. Fsc: 26904A Nr. Yvert: 309/10A Nr. Michel: 335/36B

1969, African development bank 3v

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SKU Parent: ssd0255 Pais: Sudán Año: 1969 Nr. Fsc: 26901 Nr. Yvert: 223/25 Nr. Michel: 255/57

1969, African development bank 2v

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SKU Parent: ssj0461 Pais: Sierra Leona Año: 1969 Nr. Fsc: 26903 Nr. Michel: 461/62

1969, African development bank 2v

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SKU Parent: ssn0403 Pais: Senegal Año: 1969 Nr. Yvert: 322/23 Nr. Michel: 403/04

1969, African development bank 1v

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SKU Parent: stf0280 Pais: Chad Año: 1969 Nr. Yvert: 215 Nr. Michel: 280
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1969, Development bank 3v

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SKU Parent: sto0725 Pais: Togo Año: 1969 Nr. Yvert: 615/16+A112 Nr. Michel: 725/27
SKU Parent: stt0729 Pais: Túnez Año: 1969 Nr. Fsc: 26906 Nr. Yvert: 670 Nr. Michel: 729
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1969, Military insurance 2v

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SKU Parent: stw0704 Pais: Taiwán Año: 1969 Nr. Fsc: 26901 Nr. Scott: 1598/99 Nr. Michel: 704/05
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1970, 30 years Credit bank 1v

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SKU Parent: sco1168 Pais: Colombia Año: 1970 Nr. Fsc: 27005 Nr. Yvert: A509 Nr. Michel: 1168




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1970, Postgiro 1v

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SKU Parent: sde0491 Pais: Dinamarca Año: 1970 Nr. Fsc: 27001 Nr. Yvert: 499 Nr. Michel: 491 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 512
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1970, Misr bank 1v

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SKU Parent: sea0465 Pais: Egipto (República) Año: 1970 Nr. Yvert: 813 Nr. Michel: 465
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1970, Child welfare 4v

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SKU Parent: sna0430 Pais: Antillas Neerlandesa Año: 1970 Nr. Michel: 224/7 Nr. Ov: 430/3




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1970, Saving banks 8v

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SKU Parent: snn1548 Pais: Nicaragua Año: 1970 Nr. Michel: 1548/55

1970, Commercial bank 1v

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SKU Parent: stn0270 Pais: Trinidad & Tobago Año: 1970 Nr. Yvert: 274 Nr. Michel: 270

1970, Development bank 1v

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SKU Parent: sur1164 Pais: Uruguay Año: 1970 Nr. Fsc: 27005 Nr. Yvert: 785 Nr. Michel: 1164




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1970, Asian development bank 1v

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SKU Parent: szk0709 Pais: Corea del Sur Año: 1970 Nr. Yvert: 581 Nr. Michel: 709

1971, Sydney Stock Exchange 1v

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SKU Parent: sau0465 Pais: Australia Año: 1971 Nr. Scott: 497 Nr. Yvert: 434 Nr. Michel: 465 Nr. Stanley Gibbons: 487
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1971, Post office 3v

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SKU Parent: scm0295 Pais: Camboya Año: 1971 Nr. Scott: 252/54 Nr. Yvert: 261/63 Nr. Michel: 295/97
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1971, 100 years Bogota bank 1v

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SKU Parent: sco1184 Pais: Colombia Año: 1971 Nr. Fsc: 27106 Nr. Yvert: A520 Nr. Michel: 1184




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